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ChatGPT & Co. in marketing and sales (live in Eschborn near Frankfurt a.M.)

3 April 2024 - 4 April 2024
09:00 - 17:00
Eschborn (near Frankfurt a. Main)

Such is the potential of the new AI miracle!

With the release of ChatGPT, OpenAI has started the race to establish artificial intelligence on a broad scale in the world of work. This also has an impact on competition, as companies become more efficient through the implementation of AI and can therefore utilise their resources even more profitably.

In this seminar, you will learn how you can benefit from using disruptive technology to realise the full potential of AI for your company.

Your benefit

  • Get to know the application possibilities of ChatGPT & Co. and create targeted and useful prompts.
  • Use AI to write texts for SEO/SEA and find out what other AI tools are already available for marketing and sales.
  • Get an overview of how AI can boost your social media activities and support your direct response marketing.
  • Prepare market analyses with AI and analyse sales data to understand your target group even better.


    • ChatGPT and AI tools at a glance - How to use the technologies professionally
    • The new rules for SEO/SEA - How to achieve top rankings in search engines
    • Next level social media marketing - Boost your posts with ChatGPT
    • AI-supported personalised customer approach - Develop even more unique customer experiences
    • More in-depth market analyses - Monitor competition, customer feedback and market trends even more efficiently
    • Improved lead generation - How to win new customers with ChatGPT
    • More precise sales data - How to analyse sales forecasts and sales plans even more thoroughly

Who is this event aimed at?

This seminar is aimed at specialists and managers from the fields of marketing, online marketing, advertising, multimedia, social media, communication, sales, business development and branding from companies in all sectors. Representatives from advertising/multimedia and PR agencies who would like to expand their knowledge of the use of AI and ChatGPT in order to sustainably optimise their existing marketing activities are also invited.

Your lecturer for Artificial Intelligence: M.Sc. Sanjay Sauldie

A mathematician and computer scientist by training, he completed his Master's degree (M.Sc.) in digital disruption and transformation. As Director of the European Digital Business Institute & Academy (EDBIA), he is one of the most sought-after European experts on digitalisation in companies and society. His talks and seminars always focus on practical applications. He manages to make the complex world of digitalisation understandable for everyone in simple terms.

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Tags: sauldie
ChatGPT & Co. in marketing and sales (live in Cologne)

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